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Artist Razvan Titus Popa

Răzvan Titus Popa

With more than 15 exhibitions in Romania and abroad, Titus Razvan Popa, combines in a new way materials that at first glance are difficult to combine, especially ceramic with metal. The works, inspired by old cultures, brought to modernity, are approached with classical techniques, be it jewelery, ceramics or metal.

Titus Razvan Popa, graduated from the National University of Arts in Bucharest, the ceramics section and has a master`s degree in metal sculpture. The theme tackled at Masters Courses is the recreation of weapons and jewelery, either by the battle or ceremonial of the Nephilim.

  • He is a trainee member of the Union of Plastic Artists in Romania.
  • He is a member of the Order of Dental Technicians in Romania.

Loredana Popa

Loredana Popa gratuated from the departament of Mural Art at the National University of Art in Bucharest and she completed her master`s degree in the same department. Now she is a doctoral student in visual arts.

She is inpired by the patterns of many cultures, decorative elements and cubism geometry. Loredana inspires to recreate old motifs in her own style, creating stories and decorations that invite the viewer into a idilic world

Artist Loredana Popa